Snopes started out fact checking news of the weird and eventually tried to remake itself as a political fact checking site. But now it has been exposed as a fraud....
The Democrats are now demanding that Brett Kavanaugh be investigated for perjury from his testimony from last Thursday. Ironically, Ford was actually caught lying and the Democrats demand nothing and...
Mark Judge, the alleged second attacker of far left wing professor, who is accusing Brett Kavanaugh of assault, says that she is lying. He says he has never seen Kavanaugh...
Chris Wallace had Al Gore on his show and everything was sunshine and roses until Chris Wallace started naming all the predictions and statements from Al Gore on global warming...
Yesterday, Nancy Pelosi was asked if she had ever met with the Russian ambassador and she hesitated for a few moments and then tried to cover her ass by saying, “Not...
Facebook has recently selected the DNC propaganda site Snopes as a fact checker. That’s like choosing Lindsay Lohan to keep people from doing incredibly stupid things. According to legal documents...
Most of you have seen the list of “fake news sites” that was posted on the internet this week. You saw such names as Breitbart, Project Veritas an other conservative...
Maria Bartiromo totally destroyed Obamacare, Jonathon Gruber on her show after Gruber made the claim that Obamacare saved people money. I guess you could make that case but only if...
Harry Reid had made one of his patented lies in order to try to swing the election to someone as crooked as he is. He claimed that an unnamed National...
Melania Trump has had her lawyers send a cease and desist order to People Magazine. She is demanding the story they published about People writer, Natasha Stoynoff, a writer for People...
A lawsuit filed by BLM against the police in Ferguson has been thrown out with prejudice (Means it cannot be refiled) after the judge ruled that BLM could not produce...
The Obama Administration knew the Orlando shooting attack at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando was terrorism even before the shooter was dead. Remember when they tried to make it appear...
While Hillary was speaking to Laborers’ International Union of North America, she screeched that she should be ahead by 50 points. She can’t figure out why she isn’t. Being the helpful...
A woman claimed that a man who was supporting Donald Trump punched her in the jaw and knocked her down. Eventually, she reported it to the police. The police then...
Hillary Clinton called in to the Anderson Cooper Show to offer more spin on her rapidly declining health. She told Anderson Cooper: “I just didn’t think it was going to be...
On the campaign trail, Hillary Clinton has been telling a story about how she reached across the aisle as First Lady worked with Tom DeLay to pass an adoption and...
Colin Powell had tried to be gentleman after he discovered that Hillary blamed him for her using a private email account. He merely said he didn’t remember talking to...
The House Oversight Committee has made a video that compares Hillary’s testimony against the truth. For instance, Jim Jordan of Ohio asked Hillary: “I’m asking how it was done. Did...
City councilman and former Mayor Greg Lanting, who is obviously a democratic trashed the family of the 5 year old victim, who was raped by three refugees. How do I...