Diana Chase, owner of the Pine Mountain Inn, opened her garage to find a bear knee-deep in a huge bag of dog kibble. A hungry bear with an appetite for...
Have you ever had a good day and then looked in the mirror only to have your mood instantly destroyed? Yeah, me neither, but that’s just because I happen to...
Lizzy Fenton came up with a clever idea to convince a guy to date her, but when she shared her plot with the Internet, she ended up winning more hearts...
You’ve either got it or you haven’t, and this guy has got it, whatever IT is we have no idea. Jonathan LeFleur from Dallas, Texas decided to call his brother-in-law,...
Meet Tray. His mother just told him she’s pregnant with another baby. Should be a joyous occasion and celebration, right? Tray thinks differently. His mom recorded him going on a...
There’s no doubt that getting rid of excess stuff in your life has many benefits: more space, more clarity, more confidence that the things you own actually serve a purpose....
Let’s face it, many of us scroll through Facebook throwing likes around like crazy. That thumbs up button is just so addictive, we don’t really even pay attention to what...
How often do you see road signs that make you laugh. When I was young (Over 50 years ago) there was a sign between Amesville and Trimble warning drivers there...
Sergeant John Perrine has a hilarious message for driver’s all over the country, and he made a video to get his point across. The Indiana State Police officer chose to...
Teenagers are very difficult to handle in most cases. We ask them NOT to do something, and they purposely defy what was asked on them in some sort of grab...
President Trump met with CEO’s in the State Dining Room on Thursday. While there, many topics were covered. The main topic was his plans to bring jobs back to the...
Sometimes it won’t take a lot to piss off a stranger, prompting them to hurl abuse and profanities at you. If, however, you manage to do something that makes a...
The truth is often stranger than fiction, and lets face it, people do a lot of stupid shit. Check out this collection of news bloopers from the past year and...
Trump rally goers were surprised to find a Wi-Fi connection that was not locked…………until they looked at the name: in: Follow Snake Oil Baron @snakeoilbaron @sahilkapur @instapundit Not password...
You too can be the envy of your neighborhood with these innovative repairs made by ordinary citizens. MacGyver’s SUV Why pay more for car repairs that you can do yourself?...