The home of the Grand Slam looked more like WWE’s SumerSlam early Saturday morning in upstate New York. Video of a donnybrook inside an Albany Denny’s has been viewed close...
Conservative blogger, Mike Cernovich is going after a UC Berkeley employee both civilly and criminally for a Facebook message she sent him. He believes the message contains a death threat...
Trump supporters in Berkeley, California, held a march as a show of support for President Trump. By all accounts, the March4Trump people were sane and non violent. Then towards the...
Mexico has benefited from being next to the United States, but that is coming to an end. Mexico has never had to invest in a real military, or worry about...
Disturbing new footage has emerged of ISIS soldiers strapping bombs to their disabled fighters wheelchairs and then sending them on suicide missions. This footage reportedly has come from an ISIS...
Hamza bin Laden, a son of Osama bin Laden, has been officially designated a global terrorist by the United States and now has a 5 million dollar reward on his...
When Donald Trump is sworn in as president on January 20, there will protesters with signs and people marching in opposition to the newly elected president. But others are...
Apparently last Halloween this happened in a restaurant in Queretaro, Central Mexico. The woman was reportedly intoxicated on something and became disruptive. She was cursing and began smashing plates within...
Liberals have been trying to sell the narrative that Trump supporters are violent hoodlums. The truth is it’s the “tolerant” left that keeps resorting to violence because they can’t win...
Donald Trump says he has plans to sue the DNC for sending thugs to his rallies to cause violence. They would then blame Trump supporters for it. Thanks to investigative...
Information provided by Wikileaks confirms the video created by James O’Keefe and Project Veritas. A video released by O’Keefe earlier this week showed Hillary Clinton and the DNC actively planning and executing...
The title of this article is actually incorrect. Canada is finding itself incapable of dealing with violent refugees. It’s gotten so bad that the schools are having to separate the...
BLM held a protest in El Cajon last night and it didn’t take long to turn violent. They started attacking cars and at least one motorcycle. it was the second...
In 2014, fourteen year old Chris Suggs looked around and saw that gang violence was increasing greatly in Kinston, North Carolina with 22,000 people and he decided he needed to...
On Saturday, a police officer involved shooting turned violent when over one hundred angry protesters showed up Saturday evening and rioted in Milwaukee Wisconsin’s north side. The police officer killed...
Recently, a video was found concerning a woman in Denmark who was beaten and thrown in a lake by a group of Muslim men because they hated dogs and claimed...
Just hours before five police officers were killed and six more injured, noted racist posted a racist rant on social media calling for violence against whites. You may remember that...
We have a president who lacks the guts to call it what it is….Domestic Radical Democratic Terrorism. Or perhaps it’s because just like the radical Islamist terrorists the Domestic Radical...
Proving that year round sun has a tendency to deep fry brains, liberals in California have turned to violence since they have lost in the arena of ideas. Besides, violence...
I have one simple question for the illegal aliens who waved Mexican flags and attacked the police, their cars and their horses with rocks bottles and cans. If you are...
Violence broke out at the Nevada State Democratic Convention. State party leaders, who just happen to support Hillary, blame it on the Sanders’ campaign, despite the fact that not once...